Explore Geppetto Station and meet its AI, Annie, in this module for the Mothership Sci-Fi Horror RPG
Latest Updates from Our Project:
Backerkit Surveys Going out on Monday!
over 2 years ago
– Fri, Sep 16, 2022 at 09:55:05 PM
We're very excited to have sent out our Backerkit smoke test to 5% of our backers today. We are planning for surveys to go out to all backers on Monday morning, so please check your inbox and complete your survey in a timely manner. We're in the home stretch and cannot wait to get y'all your zines!
Vote for Rampant in the Hyperspeed Adventure Jam 2022
over 2 years ago
– Mon, Sep 12, 2022 at 11:12:20 AM
Rampant is live as part of the Hyperspeed Adventure Jam! Voting is open for one week. This is your opportunity to see a preview of the black and white, low-file size, home printer friendly version of Rampant. We would really appreciate it if you took the opportunity to rate Rampant.
Kickstarter should be finished processing payments this week, so we will be ordering print copies and sending out BackerKit surveys soon as well.
Printing Update
over 2 years ago
– Sun, Sep 04, 2022 at 06:41:23 AM
We’re very excited to announce that due to some retail pre-orders, Rampant will now be given an offset print run! The other parts of the deluxe package and the second print run of Slasher will still be printed digitally. This is a big step up for our game and our company, and we couldn’t have done it without all of our backers or the support that we have received from Sean McCoy and Tuesday Knight Games.
Campaign Stats and Backerkit Announcement
over 2 years ago
– Thu, Sep 01, 2022 at 06:52:38 AM
Thank you everyone! We have far exceeded our expectations for Rampant with your support.
296 Backers from 8 Countries
128 Digital Copies
167 Print Copies of Rampant
104 Print Copies of Slasher
$5,868 Raised, 1173% Funded
In about two weeks all backers should expect to receive their Backerkit surveys to provide your shipping address and your preferred email address for digital distribution via DriveThru RPG. As a token of our appreciation, all Kickstarter backers will also be receiving a free digital copy of Slasher.
The Backerkit Pre-Order store is now available for late pledges. When surveys go out, Kickstarter backers will be able to upgrade to a Deluxe Edition or Deluxe + Rampant addition and can select add-ons.
We're very excited that we will be offering Chessex dice sets for Mothership as add-ons via Backerkit!
Two Days Left!
over 2 years ago
– Mon, Aug 29, 2022 at 04:51:33 PM
We really appreciate all the support that we have received. We've vastly exceeded our initial goal, and we're feeling great about the finished module. As a token of our appreciation, all KS backers at any level will also receive a free PDF copy of Slasher in addition to their selected reward and add-ons. If you wait to pre-order afterwards via Backerkit, you will not receive this bonus. We want to make sure that you can have Slasher in your hands in some form in time for Halloween. I've also included a link below for more information about Slasher.
We'd also like to share with you our packaging for the deluxe editions. They will be coming in a glassine bag, which is a form of translucent paper, making it entirely recyclable. It's environmental friendly and suitably gnarly for the theme of the book. Fair warning, our prototype zine is also more beat up than the final print edition.